Monday, April 26, 2021

Descriptive essay about a person you admire

Descriptive essay about a person you admire

descriptive essay about a person you admire

The Person I Admire The Most is My Friend. Everybody has that one person in their life that they admire. Reasons behind the admiration might be physical or character traits that such people possess. Some are admired because of the things they do, their perceptions and values. The one person that I admire the most in my life is my friend Prisca  · So, writers usually decide to create essays about an extraordinary historical personality or write a descriptive essay about a person you admire. For example, you can write an essay about Napoleon Bonaparte, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan, or other famous and successful people to consider their personalities more precisely  · Sample of a Descriptive Essay About a Person I Admire My Grandmother. Example of a descriptive essay about someone. The following essays are some examples of descriptive essays about a person family members and famous people. Good descriptive writing creates an impression in the readers mind of an event a place a person or a thing

Essay: Describe a Person You Admire |

As an individual, we might have met up with a lot of people throughout our life, yet people leave, and life still goes on as what it used to be but some people stays in heart forever. The person that I admire and love the most is none other than my mother. Normally, people start to love each other after looking or knowing them but mother descriptive essay about a person you admire to love and understand each movement of her child the day she sees a positive pink line on her pregnancy test strip.

I admire her the most as she possesses most of the qualities, but the ones that influence me the most are that she is empathetic, patience and great cook. Firstly, I think one of the most endearing quality my mother possesses is empathy.

Empathy is the ability to understand or feel what another person is experiencing. Furthermore, my mother always makes sure that we both are on the same side of the arguments or talks rather than a battle to be won. She always validates me by showing or telling what I must be feeling. I did not meet my mother from last five years but still I feel that she is the person who understand me and my problems the most.

Undoubtedly, she seems to be touch everyone in a way where one can immediately connect with her and for sure she has no false pretenses. In addition, she crosses all barriers and can connect with others and radiates great empathy to others. Another attribute of my mother is patience. My mother has been very patient with me and my siblings and of course she supports us in everything we do. Indeed, she does not scold whenever I fail in something, instead she consoles me make me feel better by telling me stories about her own failures and achievements throughout life, descriptive essay about a person you admire.

When I got married my mother advised me that every new descriptive essay about a person you admire or person comes in life takes time to adjust in life so be patience, and I still use that advise to make my life more easier. Along with, she always accepts my behavior from taking forever to put on my shoes to testing my boundaries.

Lastly, another quality that my mother has is that she is an amazing cook. She has always liked cooking, descriptive essay about a person you admire. Her mother was not around much, so she had to learn on her own.

She always comes up with new recipes and I love trying her new dishes because they are just amazing. She never gets tired of cooking at even midnight. In our Indian culture, female cooks at home three courses of the day and feeds the family.

Even though, we were living in joint family, she has been always happy to cook for entire family. Growing up, I was always excited about meal times because they were real treats. I owe my cooking prowess to my mother who was also relentless in teaching me to be great cook. Perhaps, I should encourage her to author her own recipe book. In conclusion, my mom is the one that is always there, the person I can count on, the one that will never turn her back to me. She is the one who supports, helps, hug, kisses, gives me confidence, comforts, listens, makes me laugh, my chef, cheers me up and wipes my tears.

She is definitely the one that Descriptive essay about a person you admire always admire and love the most. We will send an essay sample to you in 2 Hours. If you need help faster you can always use our custom writing service. The Person i Admire the most. Perhaps, I should encourage her to author her own recipe book In conclusion, my mom is the one that is always there, the person I can count on, the one that will never turn her back to me.

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How to Write an Essay about a Person

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The Person I Admire The Most Is My Friend, Essay Sample

descriptive essay about a person you admire

someone I admire is my sister Ohoud she is friendly and smart. she is tall and fit she has a beautiful brown her. she is graduate from university with high grade and she is success with her major she is now preparing to graduate from master in Economy collage and we are all proud of her, also she is an independent women she is work for her self, when she was a student she was work in a handmade Accessories also she  · You respect and like this person and want to follow her. You listen to her advice and believe that her wisdom can help you cope with your problems. Obviously, everyone has a different person of this kind. Some people admire their parents. Others admire some famous politicians, artists, musicians, actors or scientists Sample Descriptive Essay About A Person You Admire. When asked about the person I admire in the universe, I do not require to look at celebrities or any other big influential names in society. When it comes to me, the person I admire most in the world is my mother

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