Thursday, May 20, 2021

Alan turing essay

Alan turing essay

alan turing essay

Alan Turing 4 Pages Alan Turing Alan Turing lived a life shrouded in secrecy. His work on the German Enigma code, which Winston Churchill called “the greatest single contribution to the war effort,” remained under the Official Secrets Act long after his death. For a long time, his homosexuality (B1 ) Alan Turing’s invention, Turing machine, is highly recognized by the world. His invention is called as Universal Turing Machine, and every computer science major students learn about him. His name cannot be removed from the area of computer science. Even the awards for the computer scientists are named after him, Turing Award. (5) Nowadays, he is famous person in the area of  · Professionally written essays on this topic: Alan Turing Alan Turing's Test and rtificial Intelligence. algorithms utilized in their conception. Through this process Truing also created a set of designs and instructions for carrying Human Reasoning and Alan Turing's Intelligence Test. of human thinking or reasoning is based on experience and the integration of experience into personal

≡Essays on Alan Turing. Free Examples of Research Paper Topics, Titles GradesFixer

Home — Essay Samples — Information Science and Technology — Alan Turing — Alan Turing — The Father Of Modern Informatics. Alan Turing was socially awkward, but his intellectual prowess allowed him to change the world for the better, leaving behind the design for the modern day computer. He is proof that even though you are different, you can still make a huge difference in the world no matter what other people may say and do to you.

Alan Mathison Turing was born June 23, alan turing essay, From the time he was a young boy, he was socially awkward and never really had any friends. Then he was accepted to Sherborne School.

Sherborne was one of the first public schools in London. It was also an all-boys school. It was there Alan met Christopher Morcom. Christopher also introduced Alan to cryptology and astronomy. Both Alan and Christopher thought the math classes they took, and the students in them, were incredibly boring.

They already knew everything that was being taught. They had learned it in their free time on their own. Because of this, Alan and Christopher spent most of their time together. Alan believed that Christopher was his first, last and, only friend, alan turing essay. Alan began to fall in love with Christopher. It was at this time in his life that Alan began to accept the fact that he was homosexual and that there was no alan turing essay for him to change.

He did not want to be made fun of any more than he already was. But Christopher was always so nice to him and he must have alan turing essay least had his suspicions about Alan, alan turing essay, so it was possible that he alan turing essay the same way Alan did.

This might have been what Alan was thinking when he alan turing essay up his mind to tell Christopher how he felt about him when he came back from summer break. He had been quite healthy for several years, but over the summer vacation Christopher fell ill again. He died that summer without being able saying goodbye to Alan. This devastated Alan who, alan turing essay, was now, without any friends. Alan swore to do his best to honor Christopher. Along with Mrs. Morcom, Alan dedicated an award to Christopher called the Christopher Morcom Award.

The Christopher Morcom award was given to those who had excelled at math and science that year. They also had a stained-glass window made in his honor at alan turing essay church across the street from the school.

The stained glass window was a beautiful picture of the night sky and all of the stars designed by Alan and Mrs. Morcom and it took three years to put in all of the little pieces. That year Alan was promoted to the house prefect.

He had flashbacks of getting bullied by the other boys, some of whom alan turing essay would have to punish. He thought that doing so would make them want to and feel the need to bully him even more. We think that he thought of Alan as his Morcom. Later, he transferred to Cambridge. When he graduated, he was offered a mysterious job at Bletchley Park.

He was told only that he would be working with some of the top mathematicians in the world. He thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to show alan turing essay his skills and prove that he was better than them.

He was going to make Christopher proud of him. He accepted the job. He was told that he would be one of the main cryptanalysts breaking Enigma. The way enigma worked was there were several dials, alan turing essay. The dials would switch every day by turning a notch automatically. When this was done the letters would have switched and there would be a new code. Alan had convinced himself that he was smarter than everyone else during his college. He thought that he alone would be solving and breaking Enigma.

This proved to be a problem because he would be working on a team. The team was led by a man named Hugh Alexander. Alan decided he was going to do his own thing. He wanted to make a universal machine. A machine that could solve any problem in a matter of seconds. A machine that could think on its own. He had written his college thesis on it and had it published. He thought that if this machine could solve enigma then all of alan turing essay other cryptanalysts would leave him alone to work in peace and quiet.

He began to make a prototype and he named it Christopher because he applied a lot of what Christopher had taught him and how much he meant to him, alan turing essay. His obsession with the machine made his team despise him. They needed his help to solve Enigma. By solving Enigma they will have won the war against Germany. But in order to do this they had to figure out what code the Germans were using, the problem was that the code changed every twelve hours.

They did not have enough time to go through every letter substitution cipher known to man. It would have been done much faster if Alan stopped working on Christopher, alan turing essay.

Eventually, Alan began to build his actual machine based off of the prototype. He worked better alone anyway. But when he was in the middle of building Christopher his boss threatened to shut him down if he did not produce accurate results the next three months.

All of his planning and time put into Christopher would have been wasted, and even worse he would have, alan turing essay, in his mind, disappointed Christopher.

It was at this point that Alan decided he needed help. Alan loved crossword puzzles. They had been one of the things that Christophe had introduced him to and that they loved doing together, alan turing essay. Christopher was amazing at crosswords and could solve most in less than ten minutes, but as time went on and the more puzzles they did the better Alan became at solving them, and pretty soon he was better at them than even Christopher.

Over the years he became convinced that solving crossword puzzles was one of the best ways to keep your mind alan turing essay. He thought that the people who could solve a very difficult crossword puzzle in a short amount of time could help him greatly in building Christopher alan turing essay, by connection solving Enigma and winning the war.

Miss Joan Clarke was the alan turing essay woman present. They were given six minutes to solve a crossword puzzle that took Alan seven minutes to solve.

Joan was the first one finished. It only took her four minutes. She and two other men were hired. We do know that Alan was quite fond of Joan. She had shown the most promise so far and had given Alan some very good ideas on how to improve Christopher. She not only gave Alan advice about Christopher, but also in his social life, well if you could call it that.

They began to have lunch together and Alan would go alan turing essay the house she was staying in at night and the would solve problems together. They did not think that it was proper for an unmarried woman to be living alone and working with only men, alan turing essay.

To prevent this Alan proposed to Joan himself. He had not had a true friend since Christopher. At this point Joan did not know that Alan was alan turing essay. After a few months later however, Alan told her about Christopher and that he could never be really happy if he married her.

This made Joan very upset but she understood and never told anyone his secret because she knew what people did to homosexual people.

It was at this time that there was an investigation at Bletchley with Alan as the main suspect. There had been a spy for the Russians, leaking whatever information they found to them so that they could solve Enigma before the British. Alan had shown all of the signs of someone acting as a spy. He was a loner who had not made any friends, in fact he made more enemies.

He worked on his own project but still felt entitled alan turing essay knowing what was going on. His work space was searched and most of his papers taken or destroyed. Alan was devastated.

He spent the time that he was not needed for the investigation on redesigning Christopher. This investigation would go on alan turing essay the rest of the war until they discovered that it was actually John Cairncross an Irish man who had been hand-picked by Hugh Alexander. He had been caught by marking a verse in his bible that had been in a telegraph from the Russians. However they still had their suspicions about Alan, alan turing essay. Around this time the other cryptanalysts decided that maybe Christopher was worth it and that Alan had the right idea, alan turing essay.

They decided that they were going to help and support him from now on and offer him their advice.

Alan Turing: The Enigma

, time: 27:32

The Life of Alan Turing, and Turing Machine - Free Essay Example | EduZaurus

alan turing essay

 · (a) Alan Turing would answer the question as to whether or not Amy should punish her child for insulting the intelligence (quite literally) of Siri by stating that she should punish the child. There are two principle reasons as to why Turing would advocate this point-of-view Alan Turing 4 Pages Alan Turing Alan Turing lived a life shrouded in secrecy. His work on the German Enigma code, which Winston Churchill called “the greatest single contribution to the war effort,” remained under the Official Secrets Act long after his death. For a long time, his homosexuality Another big contribution by Alan Turing is the Turing Test. The Turing Test comes from Turing’s Computing Machinery and Intelligence paper written in (Hodges). Turing created a hypothesis that a Turing machine can be created to have intelligence

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