Thursday, May 20, 2021

Cheerleading is a sport essay

Cheerleading is a sport essay

cheerleading is a sport essay

8/11/ · Cheerleading is a sport because along with many sports it is difficult and sometimes very dangerous. It requires a great deal of physical activity. Cheerleaders must be able to do gymnastics, which is an Olympic sport. They also do synchronized dancing and lift other girls into to air while doing cool tricks without dropping her/5(20) 3/2/ · In the following essay I will be telling you why I consider cheerleading is a sport. Some part of the confusion on whether cheerleading is considered a sport or not; comes from the history of cheerleading. It all started during a football game at Princeton University. No one is sure about the date, but it is said to have started in the blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Cheerleading is different from most sports because they usually compete with how loud they are, and their facial expressions. In order for an activity to be considered a sport it has involve physical activities. Cheerleading is a sport because people train and compete for it, the cheerleaders also have to be physically fit. A sport is an activity that

Cheerleading Is a Sport: Argument Paper - Free Essay Example |

There are many different types of cheerleading: High School Sidelines and Competitive Cheer. The definition of a high school sideline cheerleading is a cheerleader who stands on the sideline to cheer on their team. The definition of a competitive cheerleader is an athlete who performs a routine for 2 minutes and 30 seconds, doing stunts, tumbling, and jumps.

In competitive cheer you go to competitions and perform and get judged, however, in sideline cheerleading there is really no judging besides the crowd watching the game. Cheerleading is a sport for so many different reasons, it teaches you commitment, pushes you past your limits, and allow you to achieve a goal.

Commitment is a lifelong skill that is good to have, cheerleading is a sport essay. Cheerleading teaches many individuals on how to commit to something because it is a team sport. My coaches have always told me that there is no I in Team and that is true. Sideline cheerleaders cheerleading is a sport essay stunts as well, they are not as intense as competitive cheerleading stunts are.

However, they still need to commit to doing the stunts. This goes for tumbling as well, cheerleading is a sport essay, committing to doing your tumbling is important because if you change your mind at the last second something can go wrong and you can get extremely injured. Nobody really knows how exhausting it can be to perform a routine for 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Cheerleading pushes athletes past their limits and this is why cheerleading is a sport. Cheerleading gives athletes stamina and endurance cheerleading is a sport essay complete a routine that they knew thought that they could do.

Cheerleading involves commitment and when you commit to doing something in the routine you have to do it. So cheerleading will push athletes past their limits because they have to commit to something. Even when they are tired, they know that they just have to push through. Even though cheerleading can be physically demanding, it is a very mental sport.

Athletes must believe in themselves to commit to something, so they can push themselves past their limits. The coaches in this sport want you to succeed more than anything, so they will push an athlete to their limits as well.

It is extremely rewarding when you get a new skill and it is so much more rewarding when an athlete knows how hard they pushed themselves to get that new skill. Cheerleading also teaches athletes to never give up, and being pushed past your limits never lets you give up. You may not get a skill the first time you do it. You become determined and driven to get those skills that you have been focusing so hard on, Haley Booker.

If you are dtermterminded to get a skill cheerleading is a sport essay you never give up and you push yourself, you will end up getting the skill. These are life long skills that make cheerleading a sport. To be successful in life you have to set goals for yourself and push yourself to achieve those goals.

In cheerleading your team has goals that they want to achieve as a team, but everything cheerleading has an individual goal. For sideline cheerleading it could be to stand in the front line while cheering the cheers or it could be to get captain. In competitive cheer it could be getting a back tuck or a full up. That is what motivates athletes to continue setting goals for themselves. Cheerleading is a team sport, so it allows individuals to come together and achieve the one common goal which is to win.

This is such an important life lesson because it teaches individuals to never give up. Both on the sideline and competitive. In conclusion, cheerleading is a sport, physically and mentally. Whether its high school cheer or competitive cheer, cheerleading teaches you commitment, pushes you past your limits and allows you to achieve a goal. Cheerleading Is a Sport: Argument Paper. com, cheerleading is a sport essay, Aug 05, Accessed May 19, comAug We will send an essay cheerleading is a sport essay to you in 2 Hours.

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Cheerleading: it's a Sport.

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Cheerleading Is A Sport, Argumentative Essay Sample

cheerleading is a sport essay

8/11/ · Cheerleading is a sport because along with many sports it is difficult and sometimes very dangerous. It requires a great deal of physical activity. Cheerleaders must be able to do gymnastics, which is an Olympic sport. They also do synchronized dancing and lift other girls into to air while doing cool tricks without dropping her/5(20) Competitive Cheerleading Essay Cheerleading is a sport because it requires the time and dedication to be the best to compete against another team just as any other activity. The history of competitive cheerleading is young. In only the last forty years, cheerleading has branched out to be one of the fiercest competitions crowds watch, today The topic has been a controversial one for decades, however, cheerleading has proved to be not only a sport but one the most dangerous sport known to man. Cheerleading should be considered a sport because it has more reported injuries than any other sport, requires more skills & training techniques to perform more than any other sport, and is deserving of the respect that other sports are given

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