Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay about marijuana

Essay about marijuana

essay about marijuana

 · From a structural and pre-writing viewpoint, you should: Brainstorm your ideas. Doing so will allow you to decide on a particular approach to your subject. Do your research, compiling your bibliography, and perusing various book and journals titles, as well as research Utilizing authoritative First of all, marijuana refers to the dried leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant, which contain the narcotic chemical THC at various potencies. It is smoked or eaten to produce the feeling of being "high". Marijuana has been used for thousands of years for medical, social, relaxation, and religious reasons  · Essay on Marijuana History of Marijuana Cannabis is indigneous to Central and South Asia Evidence of the inhalation of cannabis smoke can be found in the 3rd millennium BCE, as indicated by charred cannabis seeds found in a ritual brazier at an ancient burial site in present day Romania

marijuana Essay Sample

Marijuana Legalization Marijuana, also known as marihuana, is a drug that is taken from Cannabis sativa, a hemp plant. It is one of the most frequently used and popular drugs in the world along with caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.

The United States of America is essay about marijuana of the world's leading producers of marijuana where it is generally smoked and is also referred to as weed or reefer by the citizens "marijuana". Marijuana has been known for lowering testosterone levels and sperm counts in males and raising testosterone levels in females. It has essay about marijuana damaging effect on the fetus of the pregnant women and consequently results in poor development of the child.

Evidence has proved the affects of marijuana on the normal maturation of teenagers. It is also found to affect the short-term memory and intellectual capacity of its users. Intense users of marijuana frequently sustain lung damage and its heavy…. References Cooper, M. War on Drugs. CQ Researcher, 3, The Future of Marijuana in the United States.

Oregon Law Review, 91, essay about marijuana, pdf "It Is Time to End the War on Drugs. Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized Physical Health Concerns According to a Essay about marijuana University Essay about marijuana School document, it would be "…fallacious to conclude that because the chemicals in marijuana have been found to present fewer dangers…" than cocaine, essay about marijuana, alcohol and tobacco, that the recreational use of marijuana "is safe" Harvard.

In fact, essay about marijuana, even though many states authorize the use of cannabis for medical purposes for AIDS sufferers and for those experiencing harmful side effects from cancer chemotherapy and glaucomamarijuana has "potentially dangerous side effects" Harvard. Those "dangerous [physical] side effects" include: a damage to cells in the bronchial passages that could cause chronic bronchitis; b a decrease in the ability of the body's immune cells to "fight off fungi, bacteria, and tumor cells"; c the possibility of getting "pulmonary infections and respiratory cancer"; and d since one joint of powerful cannabis has "four times more tar than essay about marijuana cigarette,"….

Works Cited Bernstein, Douglas A. Independence, KY: Cengage Learning. Why We Should Not Legalize Marijuana. Drug Enforcement Agency. The DEA Position on Marijuana. Marijuana Medical Marijuana: The Interplay between State and Federal Law History of Criminalization The Current ar on Essay about marijuana Political Issues The legal status of medical marijuana essay about marijuana the United States is something of a paradox.

On one hand, federal government has placed a ban on the drug with no exceptions, essay about marijuana. On the other hand, over one-third of the states have that legalizes the cultivation, essay about marijuana, distribution, and consumption of the drug for medical purposes.

As such, the usage of medical marijuana is an activity that is at the same time proscribed by the federal government and encouraged by state governments through their systems of regulation and taxation. This analysis will provide a recent overview on this unprecedented nebulous zone of legality in which an activity is legal and illegal depending on the authorityan issue that one scholar on the subject has deemed "one of the most important federalism disputes in….

Works Cited AMA. History of the American Medical Association AMA and Marijuana. Retrieved from ProCon. Is marijuana as safe as -- or safer than -- alcohol? A Brief History of the Drug War. Medical Marijuana: The Supremacy Clause, Federalism, and the Interplay BetweenState and Federal Laws. However, someone sitting inside their own home smoking marijuana for pleasure is an important use in itself and one which should not be ignored.

People should not be told what they should and should not enjoy; even if marijuana is a 'guilty pleasure' people should be given the opportunity to enjoy the drug. Furthermore, marijuana has value in enhancing visual and musical experiences, and is tied closely to some musical genres such as reggae music. Marijuana is even of value in certain, albeit rare religions.

According to the doctrine of the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church, a Christian religion, essay about marijuana, "Herb marijuana is a Godly creation from the beginning of the world" the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church. From the…. Works Cited Gettman, essay about marijuana, John. Fall Hedman, Leighann. Helpful or Harmful?

Dalhouse University. Industrial Marijuana. Sincemedical authorities including the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine and the National Academy of Sciences have documented marijuana's unique ability to relieve both intractable pain and nausea, essay about marijuana. In addition to the accruement of costs associated with law enforcement, prohibition of marijuana, like essay about marijuana prohibition of alcohol, gives credence to a vast underground economy.

The black market trade in marijuana takes away potential tax…. Works Cited Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Marijuana Use. htm Beatty, Phillip, Essay about marijuana, Barry and Schiraldi, Vincent. Schaeffer Library of Drug Policy. htm Costs of Marijuana Prohibition: Economic Analysis.

Another essay about marijuana showed that "marijuana use is associated with substantial clinical problems including cognitive impairments, poor school performance, and a risk for developing abuse or dependence" Hopfer, Stallings, Hewitt, Crowley,essay about marijuana, p. Society essay about marijuana be essay about marijuana better served by teaching these individuals the pitfalls of smoking marijuana from both a short- and long-term perspective. The effects that the drug has on individual thinking, memory and attention are not benign in nature.

One place to begin this education would be with the parents and families of at risk individuals. Since "adolescents rarely seek treatment on their own but instead are brought to treatment by their parents" perhaps earlier education focused on young couples will give them the information they need as their children mature to recognize the signs of marijuana use.

Since young people seem to be the most vulnerable to the long-term effects of marijuana it may also be…. References Budney, a. htmAccessed September 1, Dennis ML, Godley SH, Titus JCCo-occurring psychiatric problems among adolescents: variations by treatment, essay about marijuana, level of care, and gender. pdf, essay about marijuana, September 1, essay about marijuana, Secondly, because the law does not differentiate between hemp and marijuana, I believe that the legalization of marijuana would provide a major industrial and agricultural opportunity for hemp farmers and manufacturers, essay about marijuana.

If marijuana is legalized, money can be saved as the product no longer needs to be imported from foreign countries, hemp would become a viable cash crop, and it could be used in more industrial settings as listed above.

I believe that the billions of dollars that could potentially be saved by legalizing marijuana should be used to regulate marijuana and hemp production and distribution to generate more revenue and ensure that the public, which continues to use marijuana at an increasing rate despite its present illegality, is protected and made aware of….

References Bates, S. The economic implications of marijuana legalization in Alaska, essay about marijuana. pdf Miron, J. The budgetary implications of marijuana legalization in Massachusetts. The Budgetary Impact of Ending Drug Prohibition. Cato Institute. pdf Office of National Drug Policy. Marijuana legalization essay about marijuana sheet. The research is preliminary and involved pure THC as opposed to marijuana but nevertheless shows some areas for future research into the biological benefits of the drug's main psychoactive chemical.

Several similar essay about marijuana show that marijuana and THC may benefit the heart and circulatory system. Marijuana may eventually be recommended o treat heart disease and ancillary problems Roth, cited in Scienceeek. Moreover, marijuana may benefit the immune system. Some studies show an immune system regulatory function, but THC might also cause immunosuppression because of its effect on the synthesis of cytokines Roth, cited in Scienceeek.

Long-term marijuana use may or may not be dangerous. Some research reveals possible cognitive dysfnctions associated with heavy, long-term use. For example, "brain imaging studies of cannabis users have demonstrated altered function, blood….

Works Cited American Council for Drug Education. htm Brumfiel, Geoff. Published on BioEd Online. Oct 13, Retrieved Nov. Marijuana should be legalized.

There is no sensible argument for the ongoing prohibition of marijuana. The prohibition of this plant robs governments of potential tax revenues, diverts spending to the prison industrial complex, leads to racially-biased incarceration rates, essay about marijuana, and violates America's principle of personal freedom.

The counterarguments are rooted in fear, ignore evidence and impose the morality of one group of people on all. It is time to leave the past in the past, with the senseless, fear-based marijuana policy, and start using our brains a little. Credibility There is a tremendous credibility gap between those in favor of ending prohibition and those in favor of sustaining it. Those in favor of ending prohibition frequently have little economic stake, and they consist of experts from a wide range of disciplines.

A group of law enforcement officers -- LEAP -- has recognized that enforcing this prohibition is a poor use of…. References Chaloupka, F. Do youths substitute alcohol and marijuana: Some econometric evidence. Eastern Economic Journal.

Dingfelder, S. Teen marijuana use is on the rise. American Psychological Association.

Should Marijuana Be Legalized? - Pros and Cons of Legalizing Medical and Recreational Marijuana

, time: 6:12

Legalization of Marijuana Essay - Words | Bartleby

essay about marijuana

 · Marijuana is a drug that is acquired from the cannabis plant. It is also referred to as cannabis and it is a psychoactive drug (Miller, Oberbarnscheidt and Gold 1). Marijuana is used for recreational or medical purposes. Across the world, marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug and it is classified as Schedule 1 controlled substance Marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant. The plant contains the mind-altering chemical THC and other similar compounds. Extracts can also be made from the cannabis plant. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit  · Essay on Marijuana History of Marijuana Cannabis is indigneous to Central and South Asia Evidence of the inhalation of cannabis smoke can be found in the 3rd millennium BCE, as indicated by charred cannabis seeds found in a ritual brazier at an ancient burial site in present day Romania

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