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Fast food argumentative essay

Fast food argumentative essay

fast food argumentative essay

Mar 09,  · Fast food is made from a lot of high saturated fats and calories if it isn’t work off, then you can grow to become obese. “Even a small quantity of fast food Fast foods are made from high saturated fats, increasing the likelihood that such fats end up clogging arteries in consumers’ bodies thus increasing the risk of obesity and heart disease. At times, the demand for fast foods is so high that hygienic standards are often compromised in some restaurants view essay example. Fast Food Junk Food Obesity 4 Pages. “Fast-food chains and food manufacturers must bear some of the blame for the country’s weight problem (Goode, ).”. All over America, people are surrounded by TV commercials and advertisements for the tastiest, cheapest and unhealthiest food you can find

Fast Food Argumentative Essays | WOW Essays

It is evident that fast food essays generally deal with the question of whether it is reasonable or not to eat junk food. The following fast food essay will therefore explore the issue of junk food consumption revealing both sides of the question.

The paper represents an argumentative essay on fast food as it contains arguments both in favor and against junk food. It also briefly discusses the health problems of American nation explained by the consumption of fast food in great amounts. Therefore, the paper presented below can be regarded as a fast food nation essay. Just like any essay on fast food, the current paper will give details as for the development of fast food industry and the consequences of regular eating of junk food for the world population.

The current fast food argumentative essay will focus on the American nation as a target population. Although fast food industry provides products and services to almost every country of the world, the current essay about fast food will provide data on the prevalence of junk food only in the United States. First of all, let us discuss the arguments against fast food in an attempt to answer the question of why junk food should be avoided at all costs. Despite the obvious danger of fast food consumption, many people still enjoy dropping at fast-food restaurants to have a snack during the break or simply because they like the taste of such meals.

Here are some counter arguments why people choose fast food over healthier options. It is up to you whether to choose fast food or some other kinds of snacks, but the truth is that the drawbacks of fast food seem to overweight the positive sides. Did you like the essay? You can buy one on our website.

Be sure that our professionals will produce a high-quality paper practically in no time. Explore the benefits of online writing services! Essay on Fast Food: Pros and Cons. The first counter-argument against junk food is the fact that such food greatly contributes to the problem of obesity and overweight across the American nation.

It is associated with other health problems as well. Cardiovascular disease is among the threats associated with regular consumption of fast food, fast food argumentative essay.

Due to fast food argumentative essay the health hazards associated with junk food, it would be even better to skip the meal and go hungry than drop at some fast food restaurant. Another issue of concern is the horrible conditions in which animals are kept before slaughter. Many fast food argumentative essay these animals are kept in extremely tight fast food argumentative essay, so that in order to prevent them from getting sick in such horrible conditions, the animals are fed with antibiotics that consequently end up in the food we consume.

Maybe with such knowledge some people would even become vegetarians, although it is at least possible to simply choose some healthier options, fast food argumentative essay. Nowadays, the choice of food is really diverse and you can always find something that would meet your preferences and tastes. Another issue is the ingredients of junk food, fast food argumentative essay.

It is evident that fast food contains various chemicals in the form of preservatives that are needed to keep the food fresh. Some chicken foods are produced fast food argumentative essay, and this means that the scraps from chickens actually end up in hamburgers and other kinds of meat-containing fast food.

Furthermore, if you ever happen to learn the ingredients of your favorite junk meals, you would probably be greatly surprised to see that apart from preservatives junk food is filled with artificial coloring substances, sodium glutamate and many other harmful components, fast food argumentative essay. One more issue is the quality of junk food. You do not need to be an expert to see that most of the fast-food restaurants do not use ingredients of the highest quality.

This includes the wilted lettuce used for the production of hamburgers and excessively chewy chicken that does not look like a high-quality meat at all. Fast-food restaurants use the cheapest ingredients in the process of production, fast food argumentative essay, and most people do not even realize that sometimes it is better and much healthier to make a hamburger yourself than buy one from a fast-food chain, fast food argumentative essay.

Besides, fast food safety and preparation fast food argumentative essay much to be desired. The employees hired for cooking the fast food meals do not undergo any adequate training on food safety. Therefore, you might expect that someone who was preparing your hamburger did not even wash their hands. No one wants to suffer from food poisoning, but most people do not realize that fast food poses a great threat of poisoning, and should therefore be avoided.

As for the food preparation, most of the meals available in fast-food restaurants are not even cooked properly. The frozen food is simply unwrapped and dropped into a greasy microwave to be processed into something more or less edible.

Fast food is quick to cook. Therefore, they choose a quick way to get nourished by dropping at fast-food restaurants. Many people also claim that they enjoy the taste of junk food. It is true that junk food is tasty, and most people cannot resist the temptation of eating their favorite hamburger or French fries. Another reason why people choose junk food is its price. Most people also claim that they are too busy to cook, while some people admit that they simply want to treat themselves with something tasty every so often and at the same fast food argumentative essay avoid the necessity to cook.

Another argument in favor of junk food is that it helps in socializing with family and friends. It is obvious that it is much better to sit in the comfort of a fast-food restaurant and chat with friends than eat a snack alone.

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Fast Food, Argumentative Essay Sample

fast food argumentative essay

Mar 09,  · Fast food is made from a lot of high saturated fats and calories if it isn’t work off, then you can grow to become obese. “Even a small quantity of fast food view essay example. Fast Food Junk Food Obesity 4 Pages. “Fast-food chains and food manufacturers must bear some of the blame for the country’s weight problem (Goode, ).”. All over America, people are surrounded by TV commercials and advertisements for the tastiest, cheapest and unhealthiest food you can find Nov 14,  · Excess weight increases one’s risk of health disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, respiratory problems and even cancer. The cooking methods used in fast food restaurants can have a destructive effect on our body systems. Cholesterol and high salt intake contribute to various cardiovascular health blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

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