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Global warming opinion essay

Global warming opinion essay

global warming opinion essay

19/8/ · The Opinions Essay. Global Opinions. Post Opinión. Reimagine Safety. D.C., Md. & Va. Cartoons. Cape Up. The Post's View. Opinion: Global warming is already here. Denying it is Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins 24/8/ · Global warming is a problem, but so are climate doomsayers. Keep your Opinions sharp and informed. Get the Opinion newsletter. Sign up today. Your Globe. Build your personal news blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Global warming is the process in which the Earth’s temperature starts increasing. This happens because industry, fossil fuels, agricultural processes caused by human, natural, and other gas emissions, this factors increase greenhouse gases, greenhouse gases are made up of

Opinion: Global warming is a problem, but so are climate doomsayers - The Globe and Mail

While I am not a scientist, I have followed this subject closely and come to my own conclusions. These gases have resided in the atmosphere naturally for billions of years. It is believed that the warming effect of these gases is about 60 degrees F, global warming opinion essay, thus without them the earth would be a frozen waste land. Fifth by impact are fluorinated gases which come only from man-made activities.

Some types of these gases may remain in the atmosphere for thousands of years whereas others breakdown in a year or two. Fluorinated gases are emitted during the manufacture of aluminum and semiconductors. Another type also is used in refrigeration and air conditioners. Fourth by impact is nitrous oxideglobal warming opinion essay, a complex molecule that takes years to breakdown through natural processes.

Third by impact is methanea gas residing in the earth with oil and natural gas deposits, also emitted by mammals including humans, but primarily from large livestock. It takes about 12 years to breakdown the gas through natural processes. Second by impact is Carbon dioxide C02 that is a byproduct from the ocean, volcano eruptions, forest fires, global warming opinion essay, and breathing by all animal life, global warming opinion essay, etc.

Plants offset the CO2 by using it to live and converting it into oxygen. CO2 does not breakdown naturally, instead changing forms through plant back into oxygen or converting from a gas back to a liquid or solid. Water vapor concentration is not directly affected by man-made activities, however it has some unusual characteristics.

Thus a warmer planet could increase the content of water vapor. Another oddity is that when humidity rates are high, global warming opinion essay air often rises.

As clouds develop high in the atmosphere, we get rain and an immense amount of energy is expelled into outer space, an offsetting global warming opinion essay. According to United Nations data, global discharge of CO2 is measured in metric tons, and the amount of that discharge doubled worldwide from to Since plant life is the natural CO2 eaterwe have to question the relation of deforestation to higher CO2 levels.

Nevertheless there are measures of the amount of CO2 in the air. While it is believed that parts per million ppm was a moderate historical range, it appears the level of CO2 has risen to ppm over the last 60 years. Global average temperature also appears to be on the increase. According to the EPA, the temperature has risen by 1.

Sea levels also appear to have risen about eight inches during the same time period. Although these trends seem to be fairly steady, it has not clear how global warming opinion essay of the cause comes from natural patterns. We all know that the climate experienced significant changes before humans had any affect, global warming opinion essay, as is shown by the beginning and end of the Ice Age. According to the Energy Information Administration EIAglobal use of fossil fuels has increased every year in the last three decades except for when the financial collapse occurred.

The EIA also predicts continued increased use of fossil fuels through at least Combine this with forecasts of increased populations, it means more vehicles, more planes,and more farm animals all leading to increased emissions of greenhouse gases. Despite these trends however, the UN data for CO2 emissions by country does not show uniform increases, global warming opinion essay.

The reason that greenhouse gas emissions are down in some countries is that environmental regulations are starting to have an impact. Regulations in the US, Europe and Japan have limited discharge from factories and power plants, using scrubbers and other gas treatment methods to make the discharge less dangerous. In the oil field, global warming opinion essay, operators are installing methane recapture devices so that the gas can be used as a bi-product, rather than flaring it off or letting the gas escape into the atmosphere.

Many of the renewable power sources emit little to no CO2. While the amount of renewable power used globally is quite small, there countries in Europe such as Sweden that have a substantial content of renewable energy. The impact of these regulations take long time periods to implement.

Also, once they are in effect, it may be decades of lag before the gas mix impacts climate change. As a result of all these complexities, the EPA has studied the climate very closely. Earth's average temperature has risen by 1. The EPA statement is very notable. Temperature rise over the next years might be as little as half a degree.

Or it might be as much as 8. Given the uncertainty and year time table we need sustained changebut probably nothing that is a hysterical disruption. Spread existing environmental techniques throughout the world. For anyone who has visited China, while it has made incredible infrastructure advancements, the air quality has not been addressed.

The taste of sulfur is evident in every breath and many people get a stinging sensation in their eyes. The rest of the world needs to participate in the improvement. Improve filtration on fossil fuels discharge. While the more radical proposals for controlling climate change call for elimination of fossil fuels, the solution is not that easy with current infrastructure and technology.

The one limitation of current fossil fuel filtration is that it does little to remove CO2 discharge. There is currently no practical solution to replace jet fuel with a CO2 free replacement product.

Also there is a safety concern in powering boats with electric power. There are hundreds of millions of homes and buildings that are equipped with heating systems that use natural gas. A change over to electric based heating systems would require a massive infrastructure adjustment that would not be easy.

It might involve every home and building in the world. Finally, vehicles going long distances need an easy way to re-power, which is done by adding more fuel with a fossil fuels design. Any solution replacing the combustion engine with electric is limited due to long amount of time it currently takes to recharge batteries.

Back to the CO2, there are many solutions being tested that would reduce or eliminate CO2 exhaust from both power plants and combustion engines should it become necessary to global warming opinion essay control man-made CO2 discharge. Continue scientific studies to measure the climate change. Information is a key to understanding climate change, so data on global temperatures, global warming opinion essay of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and amounts being discharged are all helpful.

We should continue to measure the sea level and estimate the amounts of artic and Antarctic ice. It also would help us measure the effect of environmental controls as they reduce specific greenhouse gas discharges.

Over time this data will help us narrow the EPA projection global warming opinion essay a temperature rise between. Although this range is huge, as we get a better understanding of it, it may speed up or slow down our climate change efforts. The media is currently filled with a tremendous amount of dis-information that includes global warming opinion essay that completely deny existence of man-made climate change, but also creates hysteria showing pictures of massively melting glaciers that only re-freeze in the winter.

Provide incentives and subsidies that improve technology. While renewable energies show many benefits, the primary limitation is high cost. As a result the renewables will require subsidies and time to make more sense. Likewise, improved filtration of fossil fuel energy might require subsidies. Even if the initial projects appear to waste money, they may become more cost effective as their use becomes more main stream.

Consider whether society needs a population limit. However, if population growth continues, we might hit 10 billion, global warming opinion essay, 20 billion or even 50 billion people. A much larger population will impact deforestation, create a need for more food, and other global resources.

As even the Pope has said, we should practice "responsible parenthood" and don't have to breed "like rabbits. Summary: Sustained change means we have time to address climate change as we learn how severe the problem is. This means spreading existing environmental policy to other parts of the world, it means encouraging new technology of filtration of fossil fuels along with enhancing development of renewables and it means continuing to study the issue to learn more about solutions.

The problem with going too fast is that we might create economic distress and reduce personal freedoms, but the problem with going too slow are the unintended consequences of a much global warming opinion essay planet. November 8, September 27, Bruce McFee Chairman, CEO at Sullivan-Palatek, Inc.

Sign in to leave your comment. Show more comments. More from Bruce McFee 7 articles. Using Compressed Air Science to Better… July 23, Just published in the Nov edition of… November 8, Impact of the Estate Tax on Family owned… September 27,

Essay On Climate Change - Causes \u0026 Effects For Students

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How To Write A Winning Essay On Global Warming

global warming opinion essay

19/12/ · My opinion about global warming and climate change. Published on December 19, December 19, • 19 Likes • 2 Comments 24/7/ · + Words Essay on Global Warming. Global Warming is a term almost everyone is familiar with. But, its meaning is still not clear to most of us. So, Global warming refers to the gradual rise in the overall temperature of the atmosphere of the Earth. There are various activities taking place which have been increasing the temperature blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Global Warming Global Warming Words | 4 Pages. In recent years, global climate change due to global warming has been largely researched. The paper, “Global Climate Change Triggered by Global Warming,” offers compelling evidence from various scientific papers that the process of Earth’s climate undergoing significant change has already begun and requires our attention due to the

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