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Of mice and men slim essay

Of mice and men slim essay

of mice and men slim essay

An essay on the character Slim from John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men Aug 26,  · Overall Slim is presented in “Of mice and men” as the father figure of the ranch and so the leader to whom everyone respects and can talk to in times of need. As he is the father figure of the ranch he is very noble and sees himself as one of the common workers, this is why he is the moral arbiter during the play who voices the opinion of blogger.comted Reading Time: 11 mins Of Mice and Men The character of Slim, unlike the others doesn’t have any real ambition; he has nowhere to go and no American Dream. I think that Slim even with his wisdom and perfect like characteristics still, has nothing to call his own and will, by every indication, remain a

The significance of Slim in 'Of Mice and Men' Example | Graduateway

During the novel Slim is respected and trusted by his fellow ranch workers and even has Curley following his orders, of mice and men slim essay. In the novel the idea of hierarchy is important, as Slim is trusted by the whole ranch he is the one who is at the top, this is shown in the novel with his authority. However during of mice and men slim essay play he is the character who represents the noble ranch worker.

Slim represents a sympathetic influence in the otherwise hostile nature of everyday life on the ranch. When the reader first meets Slim in the novel he is presented as being high in the hierarchy in the novel, of mice and men slim essay. Slim is presented as a respectable man which is why the other ranch workers trust him, this consequently leads him to becoming the man who George can confide in about Lennie, as Slim realizes that Lennie has the mentality of a child.

This shows how Slim is presented as a man who is very wise which leads people to of mice and men slim essay him. It invited confidence without demanding it. This gives the impression that as he has great skilled and a great depth of perception he almost emanates calm and understanding. In the novel Slim is shown to have a personality which is very unique compared to the other workers on the ranch.

This of mice and men slim essay how Slim as he is ageless is almost like a piece of furniture for the ranch as he is high up in the hierarchy which further enforces the fact that Slim is a noble ranch worker who is trusted by the men, of mice and men slim essay.

This is also illustrates how he has great skill with his hands. This shows how Slim is trusted among the workers; this also emphasizes how Slim is character who is very powerful but controlled. Steinbeck presents Slim in the novel as a character who is almost like a father-figure for the other ranch workers. This shows that his measured way of living gave great hope to the other ranch men and gave them inspiration and a friend who they could talk to.

Steinbeck uses positive adverbs to show his kindness towards Lennie and George. As Slim is wise and very clever he realizes that Lennie has a mind of a child. In this way he is almost sympathetic towards George because he realizes how much George has had to deal with because of Lennie, which is why Slim becomes the confidant of George.

Steinbeck makes the character of Slim become the confidant of George, of mice and men slim essay. He uses this so Steinbeck can relate back to the original story of George and Lennie. This shows how he is in touch with other ranchmen although according to the hierarchy he is much higher than them, this shows how he is a very noble and wise man because he considers himself as one of the common men.

So he is able to listen to them with their problems like they are the same his. This is why the reader becomes sympathetic because Slim is sympathetic towards Lennie which encourages the reader to become sympathetic. This creates a key role for Slim because without Slim the reader would not have been encouraged to become as sympathetic to Lennie. Slim is pivotal towards the treatment Crooks because he is one of the only people in the ranch to treat Crooks with the respect he deserves.

This is because during the s it was normal for black people to be treated very badly because to many people they were still known as slaves, which is shown through the isolation in of mice and men slim essay crooks lives. This gives the impression that Slim clearly seems to have a conscience during the novel, this shows why men trust his judgment. Through this it gives the impression that Slim could be the metaphorical voice of Steinbeck presenting his views on prejudice and the way people are treated and how they should be treated.

During the novel the pragmatism of Slim is shown when he acts like a leader and guide because the dog has been shot.

Furthermore as he is commanding, he is also a realist which is why he understands that the dog needs to be shot for the better of the dog. In the novel Slim has a lot of power and different personas to his character, of mice and men slim essay. As he is kind to many characters, not many ranchmen know what he really would do.

This illustrates how Slim does have a bad side which known wants to get on the bad side with. However when Lennie is getting beaten up by Curley, it shows how Slim is very peaceful but at the same time of mice and men slim essay and always looking out for people who are not in the wrong.

This illustrates how Slim has a hidden strength, and almost acts like a noble dark horse. When Lennie dies he has to act as a confidant where he goes to George and not the opposite way round because he has to reassure him because otherwise he knows that George will be feeling very bad after. I swear you hadda. This creates a physical proximity which is created by the calming and repetition. As he is the father figure of the ranch he is very noble and sees himself as one of the common workers, this is why he is the moral arbiter during the play who voices the opinion of Steinbeck.

Slim provides a pivotal role in the Novel because he is the character who is unprejudiced and is one of the common men who is high in the hierarchy. The Character of Slim. Accessed May 19, The Character of Slim Categories: Character Hatchet Of Mice And Men. Download paper. Essay, Pages 9 words. Get a verified writer to help you with The Character of Slim. Top Writers. Verified expert. Cite this page The Character of Slim.

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Of Mice and Men Slim

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Of Mice and Men Comparison Between Slim and Curley - Essay

of mice and men slim essay

Nov 27,  · Slim In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men. Topics: Of Mice and Men, Of Mice and Men - Compare and Contrast Essay All men are created equal. All men have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, otherwise known as the American dream. All Americans strive for the American Dream, as James Truslow Adams stated, "life should be Aug 26,  · Overall Slim is presented in “Of mice and men” as the father figure of the ranch and so the leader to whom everyone respects and can talk to in times of need. As he is the father figure of the ranch he is very noble and sees himself as one of the common workers, this is why he is the moral arbiter during the play who voices the opinion of blogger.comted Reading Time: 11 mins Dec 06,  · In John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men he gives examples for what he thinks is the best and worst kind of man. John Steinbeck’ example for the best kind of man is Slim, the jerkline skinner and for the worst kind of man is Curley, the boss’s son. These two characters are what represent the ’good guy’ and ’bad guy’ in the story

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