Thursday, May 20, 2021

Profile essay sample

Profile essay sample

profile essay sample

Profile Essay Sample Lioness Living in a Bear’s Den A boisterous laugh echoes from the expanse of her mid-size office into the 2nd floor space littered with half empty cubicles. The same office space Kay Barnhill (KB) first arrived for a clerk job with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) in the summer of Fresh out of Outline Sample for a Profile Essay about a Person. Paragraph 1: Introduction. Ensure that the introduction has a leading sentence or an interesting description of the person interviewed, followed by summaries main points that are informative regarding the person 21/11/ · A quality profile essay should incorporate a vivid word picture of the subject. Include specific details, such as how the subject looks, talks, dresses, smells and is motivated. Keep straight description, or just cataloging the obvious, to a minimum; instead, use description to give the sense that the subject’s outward appearance reveals inward character traits

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We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. A profile essay is an essay form that describes a person, a place or anything that can be detailed. This type of essays is generally written by the students of journalism as part of their assignment, profile essay sample.

They have to write an effective essay by researching a topic or event or interviewing a person. A comprehensive and balanced essay is a result of an in-depth research and knowledge of a subject acquired by the student. The deadline is too short to read long manuals? The main purpose of a successful essay is profile essay sample give your readers a complete description of a subject. It is described in a way that the readers find it interesting and feel engaged.

The essay should be on a new and unique topic in order to attract the readers. You should also keep in mind the general knowledge of the readers to make your essay appealing. It should be able to add to the knowledge your readers already have. Any writing assignment will require you to prepare before you start writing.

From profile essay sample to writing and finishing your essay, there is a step by step process. We will discuss the steps in detail in the following paragraphs. The first thing to be done to learn about writing good essays is to read good examples. You can also read a magazine that regularly publishes them. Read as many as possible. While you read other successful essays, observe how they are written, how they are structured, their subject lines, how the topic or the person is introduced and how the content is written in paragraphs.

Also, note the words and styles applied depending on the subject. Note how the introduction is written on the topic or the person being interviewed. As you read profile essay sample of them, profile essay sample, you will understand profile essay sample small yet very important things. It will prepare you with the basic knowledge of writing your profile essay, profile essay sample.

The extent of freedom of selecting it will depend on whether you are free to choose one or the ideas are already suggested by the professor while giving you the assignment, profile essay sample. When you are writing an essay on an already famous person, i. a celebrity, a politician or a veteran who has considerably contributed to a field, writing a subject will be relatively easy.

This is because it will raise an interest among the readers right away profile essay sample to the curiosity about the person interviewed.

On the contrary, if the subject is something less popular or not known to too many people, writing a catchy subject line can be a challenge. Observing the wordings and styles as well as the length of subject lines when you read successful profile essays will help you a lot in making a good one for your essay. If you are allowed to choose a topic yourself, you should choose something interesting that you can write about. Read some sample subject lines of successful essays.

Despite its academic nature and professional voice, the writing style of an essay is profile essay sample flexible compared to the other profile essay sample types. You should use the first person approach specifically when you are writing an interview of a person. This is because the reader would see it as a description of a subject by the writer and would expect the same tone in the writing style. The use of the first person is more acceptable rather than the second person pronoun because of the nature of this type of essay, profile essay sample.

However, avoid too much use of the first person as it will lose its effectiveness. It will distract the reader due to too much focus on the writer rather than the subject. Observe how the profile essays are written using the first person voice.

A successful essay on a person should be able to attract the readers. The factors that make the essay effective are its impressive and engaging subject line and the initial lines.

This is like a first impression which stays in the memory for a long time when you present yourself to a stranger. The introduction part of the essay should be unique and attention grabber and should make readers eager to read further.

Then the following paragraphs should fulfill the expectations created by the introduction paragraph. Then comes the subject matter which should be clearly and effectively crafted. This and the other sentences can be consist of a quote or an anecdote. To make it more effective, you can use some surprising facts, humor or thought-provoking questions, profile essay sample. As you have an idea from the previous paragraphs, profile essay sample, a profile essay will have some basic sections like any other essay type.

They are the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. However, you also have to be aware of what should be included in each of these sections and profile essay sample. Ideally, the introduction section should be of several lines and written in an interesting manner. Then comes the body section, in which you will be discussing the points you introduced in the introduction section.

And finally, there will be a conclusion. This section will give your readers a summary of all the points discussed in the essay. You can observe the structure of the sample essays profile essay sample. The introduction part is like a preview of your essay that gives your readers an idea of what is there in the subsequent paragraphs. The sentences you profile essay sample in the introduction will act as the starting points of the paragraphs in the body, profile essay sample.

The sentences should be informative and descriptive about the person interviewed. Therefore, the essay body should be represented by the points you include in the introduction. You should also follow the order in which the main points are included in the introduction.

The readers are interested in knowing something surprising about the person interviewed, so the starting part needs to be effectively fulfilling this requirement.

There are good ways to start an essay like starting with a quote or a fact or a surprising information about the person or the subject. Lastly, there should be a strong statement at the end of the introduction paragraph. It should be representing the main purpose of the interview so that the reader knows what is inside and why should they read further.

This is the actual part of your profile essay that will provide your readers with the information they will be expecting based on the introduction. Like any other profile essay sample work, profile essay sample, the body of your essay should flow smoothly without being difficult or boring. The readers should stay interested until the end and the purpose of the essay should be conveyed effectively.

You should describe the details and example along with the answers the person has provided. But they should be presented with the main point that you will describe next, profile essay sample.

This structure is expected to be followed in the subsequent body parts. Thus the questions or the main points will have their own paragraphs as part of the body. So the readers would be able to link the information with each main point or question. Apart from this, each paragraph should have a summary sentence, profile essay sample. Though this is not strictly required, it will help your reader finish the reading of each paragraph with a comprehensive understanding of the point discussed.

Avoid making it too short in explanation. For example, the stadium was filled with a huge crowd. Make it enjoyable by providing a creative narration that your reader can imagine while reading the paragraph. Avoid listing just the points with no proper description. All the paragraphs should be written with a consistent style and fashion and should be based on the answers provided to the questions during the interview.

Be consistent and connect the paragraphs with the statement you have included in the introduction part, profile essay sample. They should be linked with each other using the transitions. This is generally done by providing the clue of what is coming profile essay sample the next paragraph. It will keep the readers profile essay sample track and each paragraph linked with the previous one. You may need help from experienced writers, that is why we offer cheap essay writing service.

Your profile essay should be a comprehensive picture of the person interviewed or the place or an event. It should be creatively profile essay sample the information on the subject and at the same time should be maintaining the balance between the imaginary and the reality.

Apart from this, you also have to make sure that the readers find it understandable. So you should avoid any confusing information or unclear point. There should be enough explanation for profile essay sample point or question in the body part of the essay, profile essay sample. So that by the time reader finish reading it, they have a complete understanding of the subject of the essay. This part is a reflection of what is discussed in the body part of the essay.

Generally, it should give profile essay sample thorough idea profile essay sample what your essay is about in a few sentences. And at the end, it should make the readers feel like they have read something meaningful.

You can use a thought or a quote to effectively convey a final message of the essay. The conclusion should be in line with the statement of your essay, profile essay sample. While it will let your readers the purpose of the profile essay again, it should also state if the objective of profile essay sample same is achieved.

In short, the conclusion contains the final words along with a quick rewrite of the main points and idea of the entire essay. The readers will have a quick recap of the discussion, the overall idea of the topic, profile essay sample purpose of the essay and the result achieved. Useful information: Trusted service to ask to rewrite my college essay. A successful essay should not only be well structured and interesting but should be written in a grammatically correct manner without any spelling mistake.

A poorly written essay will lose its effectiveness.

Profile Essay Example

, time: 1:24

Profile Essay: Writing Guide With Examples

profile essay sample

A typical profile essay example is a creative description of a personality, an event, or an object that relates to a particular person. In some cases, you can choose topics or ideas that describe a celebrity or a scientist. It must deal with the facts and provide descriptions Outline Sample for a Profile Essay about a Person. Paragraph 1: Introduction. Ensure that the introduction has a leading sentence or an interesting description of the person interviewed, followed by summaries main points that are informative regarding the person Profile Essay Example Social Media Profiles As An Invasion Of Privacy Words | 4 Pages most highly debated issues in the business world is the use of social media profiles as a determining factor in the hiring process

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