Thursday, May 20, 2021

Teachers day essay

Teachers day essay

teachers day essay

 · In India, a teachers day is celebrated on 5th September. This day is celebrated to honour every teacher in this world to appreciate their service. Many countries celebrate world teacher’s day declared by UNESCO on 5th October But in India, we celebrate it on 5th September wanna know reason continue blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins  · Teachers Day Essay: Given below is a Long and Short Essay on Teachers Day for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and The Teachers Day essay , , , words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations. 10 Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins  · The Teachers Day essay are written keeping in mind the needs of school students. You can use these essays during several activities on Teachers Day in your school. the essays can be used during essay writing competitions, speech competition and debates. Teachers Day Essay 1 ( words) As we all know that our teachers play a great and most Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins

Teachers day Essay- Why be celebrated teachers day

In India Teachers Day is celebrated every year on 5 th September to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr, teachers day essay. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He served as the first Vice-President of India and also as its second President. He was a statesman, a distinguished scholar, but above all, a remarkable teacher, teachers day essay.

He was the first Indian to teach in the prestigious Oxford University. Radhakrishnan was very popular among his students and was highly revered and respected. Hence Teachers Day is observed to celebrate the contributions of a teacher to the society and nation.

The day is observed with much joy by the students, who organize several events to entertain their teachers. Students give gifts to the teachers, sing song for them, felicitate them and do lots of similar things to show their love and respect.

Below, we are providing long and short essay on Teachers Day in English. As we all know that our teachers play a great and most important role in our lives, teachers day essay.

They helps us to improve our knowledge, skill level, teachers day essay, confidence as well as they shape us in the right shape to get success. So, we too have some responsibilities towards our loyal teachers. We all as an obedient student need to do a heartily welcome and say them wishful thanks for their selfless service of teachings all through the life as well as shaping the life of various students.

Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. He teachers day essay highly devoted towards education and well known as the scholar, diplomat, President of India and most importantly a Teacher. Once, when he became an Indian President insome students requested him to allow them to celebrate his birthday on 5 th of September, teachers day essay. He was highly dedicated towards the teaching profession.

It is said that, once he was approached by some students and requested for celebrating his birthday on 5 th of September. And he replied that instead of celebrating it my birthday only, you should celebrated it as a teachers day to pay honour to all teachers for their great works and contributions. Teachers are the real shapers of the future building blocks of the country means they shape up the students life who are ultimately the future of country.

Teachers are the nation-builders by building the future of citizens living in the country. But nobody was there in the society to think about teachers and their contributions. The whole credit goes to only one leader of India, President Dr. Our teachers not only teach us about subjects, but they also improve our personality, confidence and teachers day essay level.

They make us able to get over from any problem or difficulty all through the life, teachers day essay. Teachers are teachers day essay real holder of knowledge, teachers day essay, enlightenment and prosperity using which they nourish and prepare us for our life. They serve as source of lighting lamp in our lives. It is our teachers who stand behind our success.

Out teachers too have lots of daily routine problems just like us and our parents but they always keep their teaching profession at top and attend schools or colleges to complete their job responsibilities. Nobody say them thanks for their priceless job.

So, we as students have some responsibility towards our teachers at least we can say them thanks once a year.

Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan who had requested to celebrate his birthday as the teachers day to respect teachers all over India. He was teachers day essay fond of the teaching profession. Our teachers shape us to be academically wonderful and morally good by enhancing our knowledge, skill and confidence level. They always promote us to do every impossible thing possible to do better in the life.

They say give them lots of greeting orally or through greeting cards, teachers day essay. It is celebrated by the students every year on 5 th of September to honour their teachers.

Our earlier President, Dr. He was a great believer of education and highly famous as the scholar, diplomat, teacher and President of India. Now a day, it is celebrated with the big enthusiasm and joy in the schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions by both students and teachers.

Teachers are given lots of wishes about long life from their students. Students become so happy at this day and plan for the way of wishing their favourite teachers. Some students wish their favourite teachers by giving them gifts, greeting cards, pen, diaries, etc.

Some students wish their teachers by sending them audio messages, emails, video messages, written messages, through online chat, social media websites like Facebook, twitter, etc. Teachers are more than our parents who mold our mind towards success. They become happy and get their success in life only if their dedicated students go ahead and spread teachers name all over the world through his activities, teachers day essay.

We should follow all good lessons in our life taught by our teachers. It is said that nothing is there to compare from the teaching profession. It is the noblest profession in the world. It is celebrated every year to commemorate the birth anniversary of earlier India President, Dr.

Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan as well as pay honour to the teachers. The birth anniversary day of our earlier president has been dedicated to highlight the nobility of the teaching profession as well as contributions of our teachers in the society and country development. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan was a great teacher who teachers day essay spent around 40 years of his life in the teaching profession.

He was well known about all the roles and contributions of the teachers in students life. So, he was the first person who thought about teachers and requested his birthday means 5 th of September to be celebrated as the Teachers day every year. He was born on 5 th of September in and started his career as a philosophy teacher by entering to the teaching profession at his 21 at Presidency College, Chennai in He taught philosophy in many famous universities of the India as well as and abroad like University of Chennai, Kolkata, Mysore, Benares, Oxford in London, etc.

Because of his committed dedication towards the teaching profession, he was appointed as the Chairman of University Grants Commission in in order to recognize his teachers day essay services. After serving the nation for a long period of time through his great services, Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan passed away in on 17 th of April.

Teachers are like real teachers day essay who not only give our life a shape, but also enable to lit like a lamp forever after teachers day essay the darkness from all across the world.

So that, our nation can be enlightened with lots of bright lamps. Therefore, teachers day essay, the nation pays homage and respect to all the teachers in the country. We can nothing give our teachers in return to their great job however; we should respect them always and say thanks. We should take a pledge to heartily respect and honour our teachers in our daily lives as without a good teacher we all are incomplete in this world.

Schools throughout our country are decorated and special events are organized to celebrate this event. Students as well as teachers participate in various events with full zeal. It is a day that offers a break from the usual school activities. So students particularly look forward to this day. Radhakrishnan was the first Vice President of India. He served the nation from the year to He also served the country as its second President from to Radhakrishnan held great regards for the teachers.

Before entering politics, teachers day essay, he teachers day essay at different universities including the University of Calcutta, University of Mysore and University of Oxford. He was appreciated for his teachers day essay and was immensely loved by his students.

He believed that it is the teachers who shape the youth who in turn shape the future of the nation. This is the reason he did his job as a professor diligently and gave good values to his students, teachers day essay. When he became the president of our country, his students expressed the wish to celebrate his birthday each year. Responding to them, Dr. It is a day to respect and value the efforts of the teachers who work tirelessly all year round.

They are given a class full of students. Each student is unique and has a different calibre. Some students may be good in Sports others could be Maths genius while others may show keen interest in English. A good teacher helps the students explore their interest and identify their capabilities. The reason why a special day has been dedicated to people belonging to this profession is to give them respect and express gratitude.

Students dress up like their favourite teachers on this day and visit junior classes. They are assigned different classes where they go and teach on this day. This is great fun for both senior wing as well as junior wing students. They study as well as indulge in different activities during these sessions. The senior students ensure the school discipline is maintained all through and the juniors co-operate with them in the same. In many schools, junior students also dress up as different teachers and are asked to enact their role.

Competitions are held and the one with the best dress and role play wins the same. These activities usually take place in the second half of the day.

During the first half, the senior students take the classes while the teachers relax and have fun in the staff room. Teachers are also seen dressed up beautifully. Most of them wear a Sari or some other special attire and go for great hair styles. The schools are decorated well to welcome them. Students especially stay back after school a day before to decorate the classes for this occasion.

They apply teachers day essay innovative methods to decorate the classes and also come up with creative activities for the day.

Write an essay on teacher day -- Essay writing on teachers day in english

, time: 8:33

teachers day essay

 · The Teachers Day essay are written keeping in mind the needs of school students. You can use these essays during several activities on Teachers Day in your school. the essays can be used during essay writing competitions, speech competition and debates. Teachers Day Essay 1 ( words) As we all know that our teachers play a great and most Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins  · In India, a teachers day is celebrated on 5th September. This day is celebrated to honour every teacher in this world to appreciate their service. Many countries celebrate world teacher’s day declared by UNESCO on 5th October But in India, we celebrate it on 5th September wanna know reason continue blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins  · Teachers Day Essay: Given below is a Long and Short Essay on Teachers Day for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and The Teachers Day essay , , , words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations. 10 Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

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